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AOS Chat API commands - RFC
Home : Developer Reference : AOS API Document : Chat

Date: 5 Jun 2001
Available: 11 Jun 2001
Status: Draft
Revision: 0
Compliant to AOS API Version: AOS 2.0b1
Web: http://www.afteroffice.com/dev/api/chat.html
By fui@afteroffice.com

Retrieve topics in chat room, get posted messages and post message into chat room topic.


Command: [SID].topic.chat.mms
Use: Obtain topic list
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID
Multiple-lines records, each line is the name of a topic in chat room

API = only 1 argument accepted: "LC"

URL Sample:


Command: [SID].view.chat.mms
Use: Obtain messages raw data
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID

apiYesIndicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: "LC"lc
lNoNumber of messages to retrieve from the topic10
tYesThe topic nameLobby

Multiple-lines records, with Tab as fields separator.

Record structure:

Field No.TypeDescriptionSample
1IntegerMessage posted time stamp99055055
2DataStructUser information data structure
3StringMessageHi there!

User information data structure
User data is at field 2 of the chat message record, using DEL (ASC 8) as field separator.

Field No.TypeDescriptionSample
1StringUser namejohn
2StringUser hostacme.com
3StringUser full nameKC John
4StringUser colorblue
5StringUser icon (face)FirstAid.gif

URL Sample:


Command: [SID].cpost.chat.mms
Use: Post message into topic.
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID
Result: boolean


apiYesIndicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: "LC"lc
tYesThe topic to post the message intoLobby
txtYesThe messageHi there!
fNoMessage font size N, deploy on <font size=N>+1
s1NoMessage style (1). "B" for bold, "I" for italicB
s2NoMessage style (2). "B" for bold, "I" for italicI

URL Sample:
